Conservation Board
Town of Yorktown
Conservation Board Meeting
March 6, 2013
7:30 pm
Town Board Room
Board Business:
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Communications Received
3. Chairperson’s Report
4. Reports from other Committees
Old Business:
5. Vernal pool mapping project conducted by Teatown in Yorktown.
Discussion by Mike Rubbo
6. Staples-Planet Storage
3379 Crompond Road (SBL: 36.06-2-76):
Revised Existing Site Conditions Response Booklet/Site Plans
7. Emerald Hills
Route 134 & McDonald Road (SBL: 69-19-1-3)
Proposed 6 Lot Subdivision
8. Fieldstone Manor fka Lake Mohegan Mansion
Strawberry Road, Mohegan Lake (SBL: 15.11-1-17):
9. Fieldhome - Expansion
2300 Catherine Street (SBL: 35.12-1-2&3)
Stormwater Management Plans
New Business:
10. Town Board Resolution to refer a Proposed Local Law amending Chapter 300 of the Code of the Town of Yorktown entitled “Zoning,” concerning the keeping of fowl in residential districts.