Yorktown Justice Court


Yorktown Justice Court has two Town Justices, each elected to a four year term of office.

Court Office Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are our late nights, when court is in session.
Note: During inclement weather, if you are scheduled to appear in Court, contact the Court office, at 914-962-6216, to confirm Court is still in session.

Payments: Online: click the Pay Online nCourt payment button at right. At Office: cash or credit card. By Mail: money order or certified bank check. NO PERSONAL CHECKS. Credit cards accepted VISA, Mastercard, Discover and American Express or debit card with VISA or Mastercard logo.

Email: [email protected]

F.O.I.L.: Courts are not subject to inquiries under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). To obtain case information, please contact the Court office.

Marriages: Performed by both Judges.  Call the Court office to schedule the ceremony. You will need two witnesses and the marriage license. To obtain a marriage license, see the Town Clerk's marriage information page: Getting Married in Yorktown.

Court Sessions
The Court handles matters related to traffic violations, small claims, summary proceedings, Town Code violations, and criminal matters.

Traffic Cases
Be Prepared to Pay 
and wait until case is called

Judge Raniolo

​Judge Cohen-Pierson

Tuesdays - court notice will confirm
      3:00 pm or 4:00 pm
Thursdays - court notice will confirm
     3:00 pm or 4:00 pm

Summary Proceedings

Judge Raniolo

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, beginning at 2:00pm
Call the court for a Tuesday court date


Small Claims

Judge Cohen-Pierson

2nd & 4th Thursdays, beginning at 3:00pm
Must file in person

Town Code Cases

Both Judges

2nd Tuesday, at 4:00 pm or
3rd Thursday, at 4:00 pm

Criminal Cases


Both Judges


Tuesdays and Thursdays
      Attorney conferencing begins 5:00 pm
      Cases heard beginning at 6:00 pm


NOTE: Traffic tickets must be answered and submitted to the Court by the date of appearance indicated on the ticket.  The appearance date on the ticket is not a Court date.  If you enter a plea of "guilty," you will be sent a fine notice and given a date when payment is due.  If you enter a plea of "not guilty," you will be sent an appearance notice indicating the time and date you are scheduled for Court.  All pleas require your signature.  Questions - contact the Court Office at 914-962-6216.

Lost your ticket!  Send your plea in writing to the Court as soon as possible.  If you fail to answer your ticket with a plea, your driver's license can be suspended.   If you fail to pay a fine by the due date, a civil judgment may be filed against you.

Other Questions?  Contact the Court office at 914-962-6216.