Parks & Recreation Department
James J. Martorano Jr., Superintendent
Marissa Lieto, Assistant Superintendent
James Torre, Senior Recreation Leader
Ava Sperling, Recreation Assistant
Additional Staff:
Dominic Monopoli, Park Foreman
Andrew Cerrato, Assistant Park Foreman
Kim Hughes, Senior Office Assistant
Patty Marino, Office Assistant
Creating Community Through People, Parks, and Programs
The Town of Yorktown Department of Parks & Recreation was created on a full time basis in October 1965. The Parks and Recreation Department endeavors to provide quality and diversified recreation programs for residents of all age groups from tots to senior citizens. The Department also strives to develop and maintain a diversified park system that appeals to a variety of interests.
The Department releases two brochures per year detailing program offerings. The Fall/Winter brochure is available and mailed directly to residents around Labor Day and the Spring/Summer brochure is available and mailed the beginning of March. Don't forget to sign up for our Email Mailing List on Community Pass to get get regular program and special event updates.
Department staff consists of a Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, a Senior Office Assistant (Recreation), an Office Assistant (Automated Systems), a Recreation Assistant, a Park Foreman, Assistant Foreman and 12 additional park maintenance staff. In addition to these year round employees, the staff is supplemented by approximately 325 supervisors, leaders, instructors, lifeguards and attendants on a seasonal and part time basis.
Yorktown is also a 1/4 party to Nor-West Special Services which provides recreational programming for persons with special needs.