Conservation Board

Phyllis Bock, Co-Chair
Diane Dreier, Co-Chair
Peter Alduino
Gerardo Carfagno
Minnie Dineen-Carey

Justin Pruyne
Lisa Rodriguez

Town Board Liaison: Councilwoman Susan Siegel

The Conservation Board's primary responsibility is protecting the Town's natural resources during land use review and the application of Chapter 178 of the Town code, issuance of Wetland Permits, and Chapter 165, Erosion and Sedimentation Permits. The Conservation Board also reviews major land use applications and offers comments on erosion control and stormwater management.

The Board is especially interested in protecting wetlands and other sensitive environmental areas of the Town. To do this, the Board is to updating the Open Space inventory using the Town's GIS computer system which links each tax parcel in Town to many attributes such as zoning, recreation, acreage, soil types, streams, lakes, wet areas, and elevations.

The Board is also undertaking a review of the Town ordinances relating to erosion control, land disturbance, and other water quality related issues. For minor construction in Town, the Board has sped up the approval process by creating an interdepartmental panel consisting of representatives from engineering, planning, building, environmental code enforcement, and the Conservation Board. For example, an addition of a simple wood deck could take weeks to be approved by all the different departments. The Environmental Panel can approve the addition in one of their biweekly meetings. If there is a significant environmental impact, the application goes to the Conservation Board and other Town agencies.

In addition, the Board has initiated an outreach program to schools and homeowner associations to discuss environmental issues in our neighborhoods including conscientious alternatives in home and yard maintenance. The school programs feature an outdoor classroom which uses a multidisciplinary approach to learning about the natural forces affecting our neighborhoods.

Members are appointed to three year terms and meet on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at Town Hall. If you are interested in any of these programs or in joining the Board, please attend our meetings or contact us.

With thanks to Westchester County, here are FAQ's regarding:

Watershed Management
Impervious Surfaces
Septic Systems
Wetland Buffers
Stormwater Runoff