Tree Nursey Gets 100 New Plantings
November 21, 2024 - On Saturday, November 2nd, members of the Tree Conservation Advisory Commission and the community met at Willow Park to plant 100 5-gallon shrubs donated to the Town by Valta Energy, the developer of Foothill Solar project, a part of their mitigation plan. Valta also paid $44,276 to the Tree Bank Fund and removed invasive species and planted 128 trees & 950 5-gallon shrubs on a 6.5 acre portion of the site along Lockwood Street. They will also be planting an additional 179 trees and 33 evergreen shrubs along Foothill Street and along the property line with Putnam Valley Schools as screening in the spring. In addition, the northwest phase of the proposed solar array (consisting of approximately 3.23 acres) will not be constructed.
The purpose of Yorktown's Tree Nursery is to grow trees and shrubs for use to replace or plant new trees and shrubs on Town owned properties. Usually the Tree Bank Fund is used to buy 2, 3, 5 and 7 gallon specimens. These plants are taken care of in the Nursery by members of the Tree Commission until they grow large enough to transplant.
Photos from the November 2nd planting day: