Town Board Work Session
6:00 Volunteer Board Interviews
OPEN SESSION – times are approximate
7:45 Senior Advisory Committee
Contact: Lou Ianucci, Committee Chair
Discussion: Update on plans for Senior Center upgrade and other initiatives
8:15 Biodiversity Study
Contact: Mike Fishman, Stearns and Wheler
Description: Discussion of report findings
8:45 State Land
Contact: Marc Oxman, attorney
Description: Proposed mixed commercial/residential development on Route 202
9:15 Capital Projects
Contact: John Tegeder, Town Planner
Description: Carryover of 2009 projects and possible 2010 CDBG projects
9:30 Ethics Law
Contact: Supervisor Susan Siegel
Discussion: Discussion of revised draft
10:00 Master Fee Schedule
Contact: Supervisor Susan Siegel
Discussion: Proposed new local law
10:15 Pool Passes
Contact: Jen Fava, Superintendent of Parks & Rec
Description: Discounts for members of volunteer boards
10:30 Wetland Permit Zeal Construction, Parmly Rd.
Contact: Joe Scorsone, applicant
Description: Construction of one family home
10:45 RFP for Risk Management Analysis
Contact: Supervisor Susan Siegel
Discussion: Discussion of RFP Goals
Refer out Hansmann Wetlands Permit - 289 E. Main Street, Jefferson Valley
Refer out Shaiken Excavation Permit - 363 Wooded Hill Court
Request to go out for bids for busing for camp programs
Request to advertise for bids for air conditioner service & repair
1295 Judy Road Water Refund
Parks & Recreation
Extend park concession bid
Engineering Department
Acceptance of monies:
BJ's Wholesale Club - Rt. 202 Traffic Improvements for Final Certificate of Occupancy
Request to be added to the Westchester County Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District:
Catherine Matier - 2804 Gomer Street
Police Department
Approve Police training for Sergeant James Graham
Highway Department
Extend bid renewal for rebuilding stone walls
Appointment of Bradley A. Sheppard, Tree Trimmer Foreman
Appointment of Adam Cerrato as Motor Equipment Operator
Appointment of Joseph Dell’Olio as Laborer