Yorktown Fuel Oil Spill Under Control

A fuel tank failure at Town Hall is under control and a temporary fuel tank has been installed.

Town employees discovered the fuel tank failure on Monday when Town Hall lost heat. After an investigation, town employees determined that the building’s fuel tank leaked about 600 gallons of heating oil. Heat has been restored to Town Hall.

“Thanks to our employees’ quick action, the spill has been contained with no injuries to people or wildlife,” said Supervisor Matt Slater. “We are working with representatives from the state Department of Environmental Conservation to prepare a clean-up plan for the oil-contaminated ground.”

Town Hall’s hours of operation have not been affected by the fuel tank failure, which is presumed to have occurred at the end of last week. The reasons behind the tank’s failure are part of an investigation by the state DEC and town officials.

Contact:  Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or [email protected]