What We Do

Paving & Patching
We are responsible for paving and patching all of Yorktown's 400+ lane miles of road. We are out every day once the asphalt plants open, and we are out with cold patch even when they are closed, all year round.

Snow Removal
All winter long we are out trying to make Yorktown's roads safer for our residents. We are in the process of implementing new technologies to make plowing snow more efficient.

Tree Work
We do our best to ensure any town trees are maintained year round. From removing dead trees to brushing back our roads, our tree crew is out every day trying to make Yorktown safer for our residents.

Catch Basin and Drainage Work
We repair and maintain Yorktown's 5000+ catch basins as well as the countless miles of drainage pipes and outfalls that connect them.

Organic Waste Yard
Yorktown has "closed the loop" on recycling by collecting, processing and giving back of organic waste materials.

Signs & Painting
We maintain all of Yorktown's street signs as well as ensure town roads are marked appropriately with lines and cross walks.