Tree Conservation Advisory Commission
Larry Klein
David McConnell
Keith Schepart
Tom Schmitt
Susan Siegel, Town Board Liaison
The Tree Conservation Advisory Commission is comprised of 5 Yorktown residents and 1 alternate appointed by the Town Board. Each member serves a 3 year term. The commission advises the Town Board, Planning Board and town departments on all issues involving the protection and preservation of the town’s trees and woodlands. It reviews Tree Permit applications as described in Chapter 270 in the Town Code (link is external). Yorktown has been a Tree City USA member as designated by the Arbor Day foundation since 2011. Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April with a tree planting event. These trees are grown at the Willow Park Tree Nursery, located at Curry Street and Tulip Drive. For more information about tree permits, participating in the Arbor Day celebration and volunteering at the tree nursery please contact (link sends e-mail)
Download a Tree Permit Application (link is external)
How to Plant a New Tree
Click images to open PDF.