- Minutes
- Budget Status: Each Account Summary
- Public Outreach Plans, Programs, Status and Calendar
- Funding Raising Status & Grants
- Proposed Homes of Historic Distinction
- Proposed Landmarks
- CLIO Landmark and HHD Template Status
- Public Relations
- Website and Facebook Status
- Tools, Resources and Support Needed
Meeting Calendar
2nd Wednesday of Each Month
Albert A. Capellini Community & Cultural Center*
Room 209 (Top Floor), 7:00pm
*Until further notice, all meetings are conducted virtually, using Zoom, during the COVID pandemic.
January 8th
February 12th
March 11th
April 8th
May 13th
June 10th
July 8th
August 12th TBD
September 9th
October 14th
November 11th
December 9th