Solar Permitting

Solar Farm

Solar Permitting is governed by Town Code Section §300-81.4


Applications requiring Planning Board approval:


E.  Solar as an accessory use or structure.

  1. Small-scale solar energy systems are permitted through the issuance of a special use permit within all zoning districts, subject to the requirements set forth in this section, including site plan approval.
  2. Roof-mounted solar energy systems that exceed 25 kW DC as rated by its nameplate capacity.
  3. All ground-mounted solar energy systems.

F.  Large-scale solar energy systems as a main use permitted by special permit.


A solar energy system that does not exceed more than 25 kW DC as rated by its nameplate capacity, and serves only the buildings or structures on the lot upon which the system is located. Nothing contained in this provision shall be construed to prohibit the sale of excess power through a net billing or net metering arrangement made in accordance with New York Public Service Law (§ 66-j) or similar state or federal statute.

A solar energy system that exceeds 25 kW DC as rated by its nameplate capacity. The maximum system capacity and the maximum area of land upon which the system shall be erected are as follows:

Up to one megawatt AC on an area of land no larger than 10 acres, excluding any easement for accessing the parcel; or over one but not to exceed five megawatt AC on an area of land no larger than 20 acres, excluding any easement for accessing the parcel.