Planning Board Special Use Permit Application

If this application is not being made in conjunction with a request for site plan approval from the Planning Board, a site plan/plot plan and Short EAF must also be submitted with this application.

The required fee is $625.00 for new applications and $312.00 for requests to renew an existing permit (where applicable).

Browse the Online Town Code for standards applicable to each special permit. Links are provided to each code section in the list below. 

The Planning Board has approval authority for the following special uses:  
Town Code Link Description
§300-21(8)(a)[1] In commercial zones, any part of the service conducted outside the premises. This includes drive-thru service windows.
§300-40 Bus passenger shelter.
§300-52(C) Boutique Hotel in the Yorktown Heights Overlay Zone
§300-54 Religious institutions, social, cultural, charitable and recreational nonprofit uses.
§300-55 Parochial, private elementary and high schools, colleges and seminaries.
§300-56(C) Noncommercial dog kennels in the Planned Interchange District.
§300-69 Valet parking at banquet halls.
§300-71 New and/or used car automobile sales.
§300-73.1 Permanent seasonal outdoor sales in commercial districts. (Temporary by Building Inspector)
§300-75 Warehouse or storage in retail shopping centers.
§300-78 Cemeteries.
§300-79 Self-storage centers.
§300-80 Sidewalk cafes. (Any outdoor dining for more than 12 seats)
(Less than 12 seats by Building Inspector)
§300-81.1 Helistops.
§300-81.2 Accessory recycling facilities.
§300-81.4 Small-scale accessory use, ground mount, and Large-scale (greater than 25kW) solar power energy systems. 
§300-81.5 Tier 2 Battery Energy Storage Systems. (Applications for greater than 600kWh capacity)
§300-238.1 Multi-family dwelling units in the Country Commercial Zone.