

Yorktown Senior Services
Yorktown Senior Services provides transportation for seniors:

  • Weekdays to and from the Senior Nutrition Program

  • To local supermarkets 

  • On Tuesdays local shopping from Beaveridge, pickup @ 8:45 am

There is a suggested contribution for these services.  Call the Senior Center at 914-962-7447 for more information.  

Programs are sponsored by: Dept. of Health and Human Services, NYS Office for Aging, Westchester County Dept of Senior Programs & Services (WCDSPS) and the Town of Yorktown.


Ride Connect


RideConnect Westchester
RideConnect Westchester is a program of Family Services of Westchester.  Individuals can schedule rides for medical appointments, shopping, cultural events, hairdresser appointments and errands. The transportation is provided by volunteers and the RideConnect bus.

To arrange for a ride, call RideConnect at (914) 242-7433, Mondays to Fridays from 9 am to 5 pm. With advance notice, rides can be scheduled on weekends as well.  Callers will speak with a transportation counselor who directs callers to the fastest, most cost-effective transportation option to meet their needs. Rides can also be requested on the RideConnect Web site at:

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